the demiurge , Lions gate portal , yaldabaoth , false light , sun of god , Jesus , samael , the evil serpent on the tree of death, abbraxas , Satan , new age deception .

here I will attempt to shed some light on what the demiurge is , and some occult symbolism and images relating to the demiurge . the demiurge or son of sophia has many names , including Lucifer , saklas , samael , Satan , Jesus , Shiva ….and many many more

Jesus or samael is the demiurge ( the false light ) false god , controlled opposition created by the Jews to trick the gentiles into false worship of Messiah Ben Joseph , the evil serpent in the garden of Eden , the serpent on the cross , the tree of death

this image depicts the rays of light emanating from a black hole or false light , black hole sun . no doubt the Jesuits black hole sun is related to the demiurge

the gnostic depiction of the lion headed serpent , yaldabaoth , son of Sophia , the demiurge

the occult symbolism of the lion and the rays of the sun , clearly pointing tomthe demiurge ……the Sphinx in Egypt pointing in the direction of leo 10500 bc ….. another link to the new age bullshit deception of the Lions gate portal 8/8 . August is not the 8 the month …it’s the 6 the month … the demiurge deception and the corrupt false calenders all lines up together with the new age new cage false light

the rays emanating out from the demiurge

codename loveone official👑:
Also, I did a new analysis of the classic Lewis Carroll books and movies, Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass. These works are also amazing. To summarize, the Alice in Wonderland series of books and movies pretty much detail our story. We were in a paradise setting and were bored. Due to our curious nature we desired adventure and a world of wonder so through wonder or imagination we created and fell into this world of chaos, resulting in a lower frequency and a drowsy consciousness. We forgot who we are and are seeking a way to return home. When we tire of all this nonsense down here we will regain our senses and reason, and through wisdom become focused enough to wake up from this dream — whether we are dreaming it ourselves or are just characters playing various roles in God’s dream — and return home. We must believe in the possibility of an all good world even though it seems impossible right now in this duality.
Here is the link to my review and detailed analysis of the works

There are a lot of people who are aware of the Light trap now, but that’s only the first part of the equation. One needs to have an exit strategy or escape plan in place. Or at least have thought about it. And I think it’s important to note that if one doesn’t go to the light, one might find oneself in a void or dark place and that one shouldn’t be afraid of it and freak out – – which could likely result in scary projections and hallucinations, but be prepared that it might happen and realize that it is the true nature of our being. Furthermore, it is important to have thought about what you want to do — whether to stay in that peaceful, formless state forever — or take on a form or project one. And, if so, in what kind of world.

I have good news and bad news. First the bad news: Life contains a lie. What you believe is full of lies, secrecy, tricks and deception at every level — religion, politics, science, our language, the media, entertainment sources such as movies and music, corporate logos, and advertising — and the earth is an electromagnetic gravitational prison planet in which we are held as prisoners imprisoned by our body cells. The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. We spell words to pronounce a sentence — a jail term and it’s a life sentence. We use curse words and write with cursive writing. . Why do we say when someone is out of luck that they are S.O.L.? Why do we have products like Sun Kist, Star Kist, and Gold Kist Farms? What is a Kist? Why do almost all major corporations use either the sun, moon or pyramids in their logos? Why were all major religions given to us by princes from elite royal families or wealthy members of nobility? Why are religious messiahs called the son of God and depicted with the sun as a halo? Why does the world’s largest political celebration, the World Olympic Games, have a priestess light what they call a cauldron with the light of the sun and keep an eternal flame burning throughout the games? Why do world leaders gather each year at Bohemian Grove and participate in a druidic ceremony called the Cremation of Care which reenacts sacrificial rituals from ancient Canaan at the base of a forty foot owl? Why do so many musicians say they have sold their soul, use illuminati hand signs and use cryptic language in their songs? Why do musical artists such as Katy Perry seem to incorporate witchcraft into their videos? Why does Hollywood take its name from the holly wood that a magic wand is made from and why do they use terms such as casting and programming? Why does the organization that gives Emmys and Oscars, NATAS, use an acronym that is Satan spelled backwards and why does the statue they give out for awards, the Oscar, look like and is named after an egyptian god named Ausur or Osiris? Why do we have an egyptian pyramid on the back of our dollar bill? Why does the moon rotate at just the right speed so that the same side always faces toward Earth and why does it appear in our vision as exactly the same size as the sun during a total eclipse?

What is the purpose of “evil” and Trickster Gods. And, finally, why are we told we go to the light at death? I answer these questions and many more on this website.

the sun a.k.a. Baal, Ea/Nergal, Ra, Bel, Lugh, Lucifer, Set, Devil, Satan, ‘It’

In Mesopotamia he was known as Nergal. The Demiurge is the Gnostic creator of the material world in subordination to the Supreme Being and a bad god who created the world as a spiritual prison

Carlos Castaneda mentions demonic possession at length in his book, The Active Side of Infinity. Carlos’ character Don Juan says, ” “We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so… I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner!

The Demiurge is a false gaud. explains that the word ‘gaud’ originated from the mid and late 14th century and meant a “jest, joke, prank, trick; also fraud, deception, trick, artifice”. I am convinced this false gaud being, the Demiurge, is stealing The Light Power that is in human souls. In the Gnostic text “Pistis Sophia” it is written, “She [Sophia] had been deluded through the god-like Self-willed [Demiurge], and had not been deluded through anything else, save through a light-power, because of its resemblance to the Light in which she had had faith.” Most likely the being of intense white Light that near death experiencers go to is related to the Demiurge. Here is a quote from The Secret Book of John, a Gnostic text from the Nag Hammadi Library: “Yaldabaoth [Demiurge] said to the authorities [archons] with him, Come, let us create a human being after the image of god and with a likeness to ourselves, so that this human image may give us light.” In an effort to prove or disprove my theory I attended a local IANDS group meeting. IANDS is the International Association for Near Death Studies. I listened to their stories and after the meeting talked to a man who had mentioned that there is a lot of psy ops activity on the planet. I figured he might more understand my conspiratorial viewpoint. I didn’t quite know how to ask him if he had ever heard anyone mention a false god controlling the Earth so I asked him if he had ever heard anyone mention the Demiurge or Archons. The Demiurge is a Gnostic term which refers to an “evil” god creator and ruler of this world. He told me he met the Demiurge and that he was near the moon and was alien. I asked him if I could interview him for this web site and he agreed. You can find the interview near the top of the page. Basically, during his NDE he went to the Light which he described as a cubed spaceship of Light. On his way back to Earth he was stopped just before entering the Earth’s atmosphere by a being who he described as a filter of the Light. This being was trying to show that his world was superior to the Light’s and demanded that he make some agreements to help maintain the balance of dark and light on the planet. The Gnostic christians were declared heretics by the mainstream church for their differing views on Jesus and their belief that this world is a prison. They were killed and their writings were destroyed until a repository of writings were discovered in a cave in Egypt in 1945. These writings are called the Nag Hammadi Library. They describe this false Gaud and his Archons which is a greek word that means “rulers”. These archons are shadow beings creaed from the bile of his hate and jealousy, and they can shape shift and appear as what we call aliens — Greys, reptoids, insectoids, mantis types, and so on. They feed off our life force and emotions such as fear, ecstatic frenzied excitement and even praise and worship. They put false ideas in our heads and create illusions and hallucinations. They can even be heard by some people as

voices. Christians call them demons. Muslims call them jinn. Everyone has a Counterfeit Spirit that has been assigned to them. Some call these guardian angels or spirit guides.

The god of the Old Testament who Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship was a composite of the actions and words of many previous gods from several cultures. The Bible condensed the many gods such as Anu, Enlil, Nergal, Mithra, Zoroaster and others into one, Yahweh. Although he was the composite of many his attributes of warfare and sending plagues and pestilence upon his enemies and even his own people most closely resembles that of the Mesopotamian god Nergal who was the god of pestilence and warfare who later became known to the Greeks as Ares and the Romans as Mars, the god of war. Nergal, who was more ruthless than all the other gods, became the king of the Underworld, the ruler of Hell, who most would call the Devil or Satan. His temples were moved from Cutha to Samaria, the Kingdom of Israel, and his worshipers were exported there as well. He was often depicted with the head or body of a lion and his symbol was the lion. Indeed, the lion is the emblem of the Kingdom of Judah and on the flag of Jerusalem. Only a handful of near death experiences were able to see the face of god because the light was so bright, but a few of the ones who did reported seeing the face of a lion.

John Lash, a researcher of the ancient gnostic texts found in the library of Nag Hammadi, Egypt, writes, “A close reading of these arcane materials shows that Gnostics were deeply concerned with alien intrusion into human affairs. The entities they called Archons appear to be identical to the ET’s of modern Ufology. Both Grey and Reptilian types are explicitly described in the codices. I would estimate that up to one-fifth of the core material in the NHC concerns the Archons, their origin, methods and motives.” These archontic entities invade the mind. Archon-tic is a good word because they are like ticks and cause the victim to lose their mind or become a luna-tic. The pilot for Star Trek The Original Series called The Cage featured short grey beings who used telepathy to mentally intrude and replace the Star Trek crews’ thoughts and feelings in order to feed off them. Later in the first season the episode The Return of the Archons featured robed and hooded beings who ruled over a planet whose populace acted like mindless zombies. They shared a hive mind and the beings threatened the Star Trek crew to be absorbed into the collective Body in their absorption chambers. Spock called them soulless parts with no spirit working in unison for the tranquility of the Machine. The leader Landru like so many other movies and shows like The Wizard of Oz, The Truman Show and The Prisoner was projected from a machine in a control room. This seemed to be a precursor to the hive mind of the Borg collective. EA Games partnered with a company named Demiurge (the Gnostic false god) to release Medal of Honor. EA also distributed a video game similar to chess called Archon: The Light And The Dark.These Archons, or Are-Cons as I like to call them, can tap into our nervous system and influence our thoughts. In abduction reports abductees say the alien will get face to face, inches apart and stare deeply into their eyes. I believe this is so they can gain access to the visual cortex which connects to the bran and nervous system. They can even create feelings of love for them. they cover up many of their intrusive abductions with what are called screen memories. these are implants or false memories. An abductee might think he or she saw a deer or an owl. But often they had hours of missing time and under hypnosis recall the horrific details of being probed and having blood and semen samples removed. Women are impregnated and later abducted and the baby is removed. In subsequent abductions they are shown hybrid babies. Many believe it is the government carrying out these abductions in the guise of aliens in order to do genetic experiments and implement their new world order.

The military does at the very least abduct people if nothing else than to track what the aliens are doing.

abductees say the alien will get face to face, inches apart and stare deeply into their eyes. I believe this is so they can gain access to the visual cortex which connects to the bran and nervous system. They can even create feelings of love for them

The archons masquerade as lords of karma or ascended masters and as our spirit guides or guardian angels, as a Council of Elders that direct our soul’s “growth” or spiritual evolution. As the Demiurge, Nergal/Yahweh is also involved in the light part posing as the true god. Of course, it is all BS. They use the scare tactics of fear and guilt to scare us into the loving arms of the manipulative “god” of light, the false light. The dark prince, Nergal/Satan, who represents evil scares the souls to go to the false Light, which is said to be good, for salvation. Fear and love, hell and heaven, dark and light. Both sides are necessary for the trick of the duality to work. The fear of judgment and punishment of hell and the devil scare people into running to the light and false god figure who offers light, love and heaven. It is the movement back and forth between the polarities that cause the electricity, the food for the archons. Electricity is caused by electrons flowing from a negative pole to a positive one: Electrons are negatively charged, and so are attracted to the positive end of a battery and repelled by the negative end. So when the battery is hooked up to something that lets the electrons flow through it, they flow from negative to positive. They use both sides of the spectrum — both light and dark — it’s a big game of duality for them, black and white, light and dark, and we are the pawns.

We are told by religions that Jesus is the light and saviors are usually shown with the sun’s halo around their heads. But all major religions were given to us by princes from the elite royal families. These messages are to pacify and control the masses. The elite wish to keep all the gold and power they have so they teach us to turn the other cheek and that the meek shall inherit the earth. They use fear to threaten an eternal hell if we don’t behave and promise us heaven or a better life after we die as a reward for our good behavior. Reincarnation is reincarceration in the wheel of rebirth or being recycled. Jesus and the other suns of god is said to be born on December 25th. This is the winter solstice when the sun has reached its lowest descent in the heavens, dies on the southern crux (southern cross) constellation and begins its rise again. We have been taught that the light is our savior. Near death experiencers tell us about traveling through a tunnel after death and into a loving light. Hollywood reinforces this through various movies such as Ghost and Poltergeist where we are told either to go to the light or not to go to the light (in order not to die).

the demiurge

“THE GREAT UNMENTIONABLE EVIL at the center of our culture is monotheism. From a barbaric Bronze Age text known as the Old Testament, three anti-human religions have evolved – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These are sky-god religions. They are, literally, patriarchal – God is the Omnipotent Father – hence the loathing of women for 2,000 years in those countries afflicted by the sky-god and his earthly male delegates.

“The sky-god is a jealous god, of course. He requires total obedience from everyone on earth, as he is not just in place for one tribe, but for all creation. Those who would reject him must be converted or killed for their own good. Ultimately, totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-god’s purpose.

“Any movement of a liberal nature endangers his authority and those of his delegates on earth. One God, one King, one Pope, one master in the factory, one father-leader in the family at home…”

Gore Vidal

Long before the birth of Christianity, monotheism was an anomaly.

Europe and the Near East flourished under the divine guidance of Sophia, the ancient goddess of wisdom. The Earth was venerated as the embodiment of Sophia and thus sacred to the people who sought divine fulfillment in her presence.

This ancient harmonious, nature-based philosophy was threatening to the emerging salvationistsacrificial creed of Christianity which was based on patriarchal dominion over the Earth and demanded personal suffering as a path to the afterlife.

The old ways could not be tolerated by this alien intruder, and so during the early centuries of the 1st millennium the Christian hordes obliterated every trace of the ancient spiritual traditions, casting Europe into the Dark Ages…

Hypatia was a Neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer and mathematician, whose murder by a Christian mob in 415 AD marked the end of the Classical Era and the beginning of moral and spiritual decline under the tyranny of Christianity.

In the Gnostic Gospels of Nag Hammadi, written in the 1st Century, the writers warn us about the god of the Bible. Known as the “Demiurge” or “Yaldabaoth“, he is described as an insane, demented imposter deity who works against humanity.

He is,

“a self-deified inorganic phantom, deluded about his own identity.”

The word “Demiurge” literally means “half-working” or “half-powered” – so called because he can originate nothing, but must imitate what already exists.

The leader of the extraterrestrial Archon race, he is also ,

  • Saklas (“fool”)
  • Samael (“blind”)
  • Yaldabaoth to the Gnostics

This is the biblical father god of the Old Testament, Yahweh or Jehovah – the god still worshiped by millions of Jews, Christians and Muslims today!


Yaldabaoth is a demented pretender god who claims to be the creator of the material world, and demands slavish obedience from his human subjects, while he works to undermine the evolution and destiny of humanity.

According to the Gnostic writings,

“Yaldabaoth himself chose a certain man named Abraham, and made a covenant with him”,

…and so began the devastating salvationist, misogynistic religions of monotheism that have so devastated our world.

Archons are predatory cyborgs, lacking creativity, but can imitate with a vengeance. Their expertise is simulation (‘HAL’, virtual reality), and the Demiurge fashioned a heaven world, copied from the Sophianic original, but completely fake.

This Archontic heaven is the afterworld for countless humans who are duped by the simulation presented by messianic, salvationist religion (Christianity).

“They (the Archons) sought to overpower humanity in its psychological
and perceptual functions… For indeed their delight is bitter and their
beauty is depraved. And their triumph is in deception, leading astray,
for their own structure is without divinity.”
The Apocryphon of John,” from the Nag Hammadi Codices

This fake ‘salvation’ by superhuman powers, rather than through the divine potential innate to humanity and aligned with the planetary goddess Sophia, is the hallmark of extraterrestrial religion.

It is the root cause of most of the problems that currently beset humanity.

Jesus is the demiurge

Yaldabaoth is a voracious and tyrannical semi-primordial Demiurge of Law, Order and Control. He is a rouge avatar of God created by Sophia and the older brother of Satanael.


Yaldabaoth is a voracious and cruel primordial being of both chaos and order, darkness and light that is widely considered to be the “dark version” of God or the Shadow of God though the true Dark God is Tathamet.

Yaldabaoth came into existence during the clash between Khaos and God, when their powers were mixed, the Lesser Aeon Sophia was able to extract the a piece of God, and mold them into the being that came to be known as Yaldabaoth. Assuming the arrogant pose of a solar deity, Yaldabaoth falsely believes himself to be the only god in the entire cosmos. With this mind, he created the physical realm along with his own Heaven with own false Angels and his personal servants, the Archons, to serve his every whim.

One angel found out that he was a malevolent fake and after betraying him and giving humanity the gift of chaos and free-will and joined with Lucifer and God to stop him. This fallen angel is known as Satanael who became Yaldabaoth’s own arch-enemy and anti-thesis with them fighting constantly in the battle of Law vs Chaos.

In Gnosticism, Yaldabaoth is viewed to be the Evil God portrayed in the Old Testament. He is an entity unable to perceive other expressions of the divine, leading him to believe he is the supreme deity of the universe. In an attempt to create order from the perceived chaos of the cosmos, Yaldabaoth chained the soul and heart in mortal forms and punishes those who refuse to adhere to his rule. In some traditions, Yaldabaoth is eventually cast into the Gnostic equivalent of Hell, where he becomes the judge and torturer of wicked souls.

Yaldabaoth also possesses an epithet known as “the God-Eater”, which is true to the meaning behind it. Yaldabaoth is said to be the being whom will devour the gods of every known pantheon after they perish during their respective apocalyptic events. The gods will travel through Purgatory, although they lack their divine power while in the realm of Purgatory, and must reach the end in order to be reincarnated into their mortal forms. However, Yaldabaoth will give chase to the fearful gods and devour them, thus completely ensuring that they will not cross into the other world and prevent their reincarnation. Zeus himself stated that he would stand no chance against the Demiurge, even with the combined might of his fellow gods among other pantheons.

In ancient times, the making of the world is ascribed to a company of seven Archons, whose names are given, but their chief, known as Yaldabaoth comes into still greater prominence. The Demiurge arrogantly declares that he has made the world by himself.

The Demiurge, having received a portion of power from his mother, sets about a work of creation in unconscious imitation of the superior Pleromatic realm: He frames the seven heavens, as well as all material and animal things, according to forms furnished by his mother; working, however, blindly and ignorant even of the existence of the mother who is the source of all his energy. He is blind to all that is spiritual, but he is king over the other two provinces. The word dēmiurgos properly describes his relation to the material; he is the father of that which is animal like himself.

Thus Sophia’s power becomes enclosed within the material forms of humanity, themselves entrapped within the material universe: the goal of Gnostic movements was typically the awakening of this spark, which permitted a return by the subject to the superior, non-material realities which were its primal source.

Yaldabaoth has already sunk from his high estate and resides in the false Heaven, where, with his forty-nine demons, he tortures wicked souls in boiling rivers of pitch, and with other punishments. He is an Archon with the face of a lion, half flame and half darkness.

While he fancies himself a creator deity, he really creates nothing; instead, he copies from “archetypal” patterns in the Pleroma. The planetary stereoma of his making is like a plastic copy of an abalone shell. Only someone who does not know the reality of the abalone shell, and what living miracle of nature is required to produce it, would accept the plastic substitution. When God knew of his crimes, He cast His “dark half” into the lower depths of Creation; the lower depths being the “dead zone” of the universe where there is virtually no life thriving on any planet whatsoever.

Yaldabaoth is addressed as the Demiurge and maker of man, but as a ray of light from above enters the body of man and gives him a soul, Yaldabaoth is filled with envy; he tries to limit man’s knowledge by forbidding him the fruit of knowledge in paradise. At the consummation of all things all light will return to the Pleroma. But Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge, with the material world, will be cast into the lower depths. Yaldabaoth is frequently called “the Lion-faced”, leontoeides, with the body of a serpent. It is told also that the Demiurge is of a fiery nature.

Unlike God, Yaldabaoth was everything but a great, all-forgiving God of infinite love and wisdom. He spoke in a cold, insensible, and undemonstrative way. He treated everything and everyone as if they were much beneath him, spending a great amount of his time reminiscing about the time he was in his false heaven.
Yaldabaoth was a cruel and calculative God, only caring about himself and his image. Yaldabaoth talks about humanity in a cold, insensible, and undemonstrative way. He also treats everyone as below him, like he is the supreme being. According to Shiva, he embodied the Seven Deadly Sins. He was extremely arrogance, deeming himself to the sole creator of the cosmos despite having created only a few things, which were all copies of pre-existed entities. He also detested other Gods and god-like beings to the point where he would devour all Gods who unluckily damned to Purgatory following the apocalyptic events of their Pantheons, earning him the title “The God-Eater”.
Through centuries of being sealed within the hellish prison created of the Dead Zone, Yaldabaoth’s mind and sanity deteriorated with every passing point in time. Because of his deranged mind, he would actively reach out and corrupt the mind of anyone who is dumb enough to pray to him, slowly twisting their desire, turning even the most honorable of heroes into the most degenerate of villains. It was said that because he had never experience the true act of Creation like he wanted, he had vowed to become the “Destroyer” and annihilate all creations of God, from the smallest of atoms to the most gigantuous of galaxies.
Powers and Abilities
Yaldabaoth is said to be able to devour the gods of every man’s known pantheon. Zeus himself stated that he would stand no chance against the Demiurge, even with the combined might of his fellow gods among other pantheons.
Sealing: Yaldabaoth was able to seal away gods and take over their realms. He was also able to seal away people’s extra-sensory perception, which prevented them from being able to see him.
BFR: Yaldabaoth has battlefield removal on a dimensional level, being able to relocate the entire realms, which is a separate dimension located between mind and reality, and bring it to his prison.
Conceptual Manipulation: Yaldabaoth holds power over the concepts of the Deadly Sins through manipulating mankind’s perceptions of such concepts.
Reality Warping: As the administrator of the material realm, Yaldabaoth has full control over the cognitive universe. Upon encroaching upon reality and fusing the cognitive universe with the physical universe, his control spreads and allows him to directly change the real world as he sees fit.
Existence Erasure: After fusing reality with the cognitive universe, by erasing an object or person’s existence within the Collective Unconscious, that object or person’s real counterpart would cease to exist in reality as well.
Elemental Manipulation: He can create, shape and manipulate the basic elements of nature, the rudimentary, simplest or essential parts/principles of which anything consists of.
Rays of Control: A Colossal holy attack that hits all foes that can be used after charging for some time. Yaldabaoth has also shown the ability to use this attack without charging.
Distorted Lust: A holy spell that inflicts lustful desire to one target. It cannot be cured by conventional means.
Distorted Avarice: A holy spell that inflict hunger to one target.
Distorted Vanity: A holy spell that inflicts weakness to all affinities to one target. It cannot be cured by conventional means.
Distorted Envy: A holy spell that inflicts jealousy to one target. A jealous unit could attack an ally for assisting another ally. It cannot be cured by conventional means.
Distorted Gluttony: A holy spell that inflicts a special type of curse to one target which doubles the “cost” of using skills and spells.
Distorted Wrath: A holy spell that inflicts rage to one target. It cannot be cured by conventional means.
Distorted Pride: A holy power that allows the user to enter a type of counter mode for some time.
Divine Punishment: If hit while in that counter mode, the user does a counterattack that drains the reserve magic in a target’s system.
Arrow of Light: Yaldabaoth fires a arrow of light from the heavens to hit his opponent.
Difraction Arrow: Yaldabaoth fires a arrow from the light that will inflict temporary amnesia to anyone it hits.
Medium Almighty damage to random foes. Chance to inflict Forget.
Light Edge: A powerful light attack that hits everyone in front of the caster.
Eternal Light: A colossal spell of light that hits all but requires to charge to use.
Manifest Gun: He can summon the Gun of Execution.
Manifest Bell: He can summon the Bell of Declaration.
Manifest Sword: He can summon the Sword of Conviction.
Manifest Book: He can summon the Book of Commandments.
Dekaja: A spell that negates all positive effects of his foes.
Dekunda: A spell that negate all negative effects on himself and his allies.
Capital Punishment: A solo attack that requires the Gun of Execution.
Shoot Up: A Triple-target ranged attack that requires the Gun of Execution.
Gospel: A solo attack that requires the Bell of Declaration.
Frail Law: A spell that requires the Bell of Declaration. It lowers the durability of his foes.
Tough Law: A spell that requires the Bell of Declaration. It increases the durability for Yaldabaoth and his allies.
Sword of Judgement: A short ranged attack that requires the Sword of Conviction which hits all foes
Wind Cutter: A solo attack that requires the Sword of Conviction.
Wrath of God: A solo holy spell that requires the Book of Commandments.
While Yaldabaoth rarely uses any equipment, he still possess a couple in his armored angel form. These four are apart of that form and can be summoned at will.

further research and links

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